Deep Roots Massage Therapy Response to COVID-19

COVID-19 Update – November 10, 2020

Beginning on Thursday, November 12, 2020, and for a minimum of 4 weeks, the Winnipeg Metropolitan region will be elevated to Critical.

This means a lot of changes for the people of Manitoba.  We want to reach out and remind you that we are still here for you in this extremely trying time.

There are no new restrictions being implemented at either the Orange or Red levels that impact Health Professionals, and Massage Therapists (RMTs) however we will still be upholding the highest level of safety and cleaning procedures to ensure the safety of our clients and our staff.

We are making some slight changes to procedures that we currently have in place for your safety and the safety of our staff.

To ensure everyone’s safety, we kindly ask that you wait in your vehicle prior to your appointment time.  You will receive a call or a text message (or even a friendly wave from the window) to say that it is your turn to enter the building to get checked in for your treatment.

We still ask that you complete the COVID-19 screening prior to your appointment and you may also visit Shared Health – Soins Commun Manitoba’s online screening. 

If you or anyone in your family tests positive or have COVID-19 symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath), we kindly ask that you refrain from booking or we will gladly reschedule your appointment once you have been given the ‘all clear’ from your medical doctor.  

We have adjusted our cancellation policy based on COVID related cancellations and rebookings.  We still kindly ask that if you can not make your appointment that day that you please call us.  We worry about your safety if you do not show up without notice.

Enhanced cleaning Policies in place

We at Deep Roots Massage Therapy wanted to let you know that we take the COVID-19 outbreak seriously.  We encourage our staff to frequent hand hygiene, sneeze and cough etiquette, and staying home when ill.

The enhanced cleaning policies that we have in place include disinfecting the following items in between each and every client in every treatment room:  face cradle, towel warmer door, light switch, door handles, oil bottles, and mint oil bottles, coat hangers, sink and faucet, stool, armrests on all chairs,  and switches on the table warmers.  Our washrooms will be disinfected in between each use.  

We are incredibly grateful for the amazing team that we have and their commitment to everyone’s wellbeing. We all share the responsibility of keeping each other safe during this time.

As always and for the safety of all Manitobans, it is imperative that we all:

  • Limit close contacts as much as possible.
  • Wear a mask in all indoor public places.
  • Follow public health guidance on travel and self-isolation.
  • Use the Shared Health Screening Tool to self-screen and always stay at home when you’re sick, even if mildly ill.
  • Screen all individuals entering the clinic/practice and prior to receiving treatment.
  • Enhance personal hygiene, including:
    • regular and thorough handwashing;
    • covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing;
    • avoiding sharing food or drinks; and,
    • avoiding touching your face.
  • Enhance sanitization practices in our clinic.
  • Ensure people at higher risk of complications due to COVID-19 take extra precautions and avoid enclosed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings.

What to Do if You Are Unsure if you Should Quarantine?


People with COVID-19 do not always recognize their early symptoms.  Even if you do not have symptoms now, it is possible to transmit COVID-19 before you start showing symptoms or without ever developing symptoms.

You need to quarantine (self-isolate) for 14 days if, you:

  • Are returning from travel outside of Canada (mandatory quarantine);
  • Had close contact with someone who has or is suspected to have COVID-19;
  • Have been told by public health that you may have been exposed and need to quarantine (self-isolate).

Quarantine (self-isolate) means that for 14 days you need to:

  • Stay at home and monitor yourself for symptoms, even just one mild symptom
  • Avoid contact with other people to help prevent transmission of the virus prior to developing symptoms or at the earliest stage of illness.
  • Do your part to prevent the spread of disease by practicing physical distancing at home

If you start to develop symptoms within 14-days of your quarantine, you must:

  • Isolate yourself from others as soon as you notice your first symptom
  • Immediately call a health care professional or public health authority to discuss your symptoms and travel history and follow their instructions carefully.

Please use the online self-assessment tool to determine if you need further assessment or testing for COVID-19

Notice from the Government

Clients must maintain a distance of at least two meters, except when receiving service or for brief exchanges.

These requirements will be enforceable under public health orders.


  • Employees must stay home when ill with COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Staff are given information about physical distancing.
  • Entry into the business, including lines, are regulated to prevent congestion.
  • Businesses must post external signs indicating COVID-19 physical distancing protocols, along with floor markings where service is provided or lines form.
  • Businesses must maintain a single point of entry.
  • Patients and people who may attend with patients are screened by COVID-19 screening forms before an appointment is booked and are not given an appointment if they have COVID-19 symptoms.
  • People identified as symptomatic should be instructed to call Health Links-Info Santé.
  • Waiting room management strategies must be in place. Strategies should include:  waiting in the car if possible, and physical distancing for those in the waiting room. No more than 10 people may gather in common areas.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance/exit for patient and staff use.
  • Patients and people attending with patients must sanitize hands upon entry to the facility.
  • Work/service areas are sanitized after each patient.
  • Washrooms have frequent sanitization and a regime for business sanitization is in place.
  • Magazine racks and toys are removed and play areas in waiting rooms are closed.
  • Patients may wear masks when receiving services, where possible.
  • Cashless or no-contact payment should be used to the greatest extent possible.

Shared Health – Soins Communs Self-Screening Tool
Self-Screen Now