Acu-Massage is a technique based on traditional Chinese medicine. Like TCM Acupuncture it uses the body’s meridian pathways which interconnect our organs to treat specific issues. After a detailed assessment, thin needles are inserted into specific areas of the body to create a physiological change.
Ashiatsu is a massage technique that involves the application of the practitioner’s feet, rather than the hands or arms, to a patient’s body. In Japanese, ashi means foot, and atsu means pressure; so it literally translates to foot pressure.
Complete decongestive therapy (CDT) is a non-invasive treatment for lymphedema. The therapy includes a variety of techniques, including manual lymphatic drainage and compression.
This treatment is direct-billed as “Physiotherapy” through your Primary Health Insurance Providers.
*please speak with your primary insurance provider to ensure that “Physiotherapy” is included in your benefits package.
A couple’s massage allows two people to have a shared experience that can result in a closer bond.
Please call or email us you book your next Couples Massage!
*Online booking is not available for Couples Massage bookings
This is a Cupping-forward form of massage therapy that decompresses soft tissues using vacuum suction, unlike other forms of massage that compress soft tissues. During cupping, the cup gently sucks to your skin and lifts underlying soft tissue into the cup.
Experience the healing benefits of heat and the profound relaxation induced by this treatment, rooted in the ancient practices of many world cultures. This massage features hot, basalt stones, polished to a luxuriously smooth finish. Stones are placed along the body and incorporated into each massage stroke from head to toe. As an extra touch, chilled stones are then gently used on the face to relieve any congestion. Hydration is also a key recommendation following this technique.
Call us or email us to book your next Couples Hot-Stone Massage.
*Online booking not available for Couple’s bookings
The nurturing strokes of Lomi Lomi are relaxing; however, one soon learns this work is therapeutic on all levels.
Lymphatic drainage massage, which is sometimes called manual lymphatic drainage, or MLD, involves gently massaging areas of the body to help move lymph fluid to an area with working lymph vessels.
*This treatment is direct-billed as “Physiotherapy” to your Insurance provider.
Please speak with your health insurance provider to see if you are covered for “Physiotherapy” to be eligible to claim this treatment through your insurance provider.
This time in your life will go by so very quickly. Make the most of it and enjoy every moment.
When booking, please specify if you would like prenatal pillows or side-lying position.
Passive stretching and gentle pressure along the body’s energy lines to increase flexibility, relieve muscle and joint tension, and balance the body’s energy systems.